Construction of building wall
I used solid cement blocks. There are merits and demerits. Cement block have 6 inches width while clay bricks (ishtika) have 9 inches. I felt 6 inches is very thin for the wall. It is better to have 9 inches minimum. Wall constructed at a height of 7 feet. Since river sand is very difficult and expensive to buy I used Pobsons Msand. This type of sand is very good for concreting. But to make cement mortar, (chaanth) mix it with river sand. Msand have more big grains along with small ones. Masons are usually reluctant to touch cement with hands, as it may damage their skin. What they do is add less water to cement mortar. This is not recommendable. Tell them to use appropriate wooden pieces to touch cement instead of using fingers.
Constructing lintel
Wooden support is erected for lintel and sunshade. Sunshade is planned only above doors and windows. No need to construct sunshade all around the building. Use steel reinforcement.
Putting steel bars for lintel and sunshade near kitchen.
Pergola near front door
Instead of sunshades for front door and window I transformed it into pergola. Below is a photo of putting wooden planks for pergola design.
Concrete on pergola.
Lintel all over the wall. While concreting lintel, it is advisable to put necessary PVC pipes for electrical lines. That is done by electrician. This will reduce slightly the need of cutting walls for electrical lines. See the photo below for black PVC pipes hanging from lintel.
Sprinkle water and retain there for few days. After five days you can remove wooden support from lintel. But allow it to be there for few days more from sunshade.